S4B Room System on Surface Pro 3

Creating a S4B Room System for easy meetings

Recently MS have released the Skype for Business Room system app on the windows store. Seeing that it has been made to work on a surface pro in a dock, I dusted off an old SP3 found a dock and though, lets give this a crack. After much dicking around and installing windows 10 I installed the app from the store (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/skype-room-system/9nblggh5799l)

The app shows 4 steps to config, I put in all the required details (After setting up a new Room System account in AD/Exch/S4B) and everything was going smoothly until I got to the last page. Please connect to a dock. WHAT?! The tablet is in the dock, whats the problem. The dock was working fine, with all peripherals attached through it.

Lesson here, vendors can mislead through not enough information. After much researching the app will only work with:

Its worth noting that most distributors and vendors provide these as a package

Its such a shame that MS have locked down the apps functionality, if you agree, please vote here: Skype for Business Feedback